Atlantic DataStream Kickoff - Breakout Summary

Written by Lindsay Day

August 30, 2018

Atlantic DataStream Kickoff - Breakout Session Summary

On day two of the Atlantic DataStream kick-off participants gathered at the Tidal Bore Lodge for some breakout sessions, networking and discussion about moving forward with Atlantic DataStream and Atlantic Water Network.

Click Here to download the a PDF of the Session Summary

These key questions guided the conversation:

Q1: How do you plan to use Atlantic DataStream and the Atlantic Water Network?

Data storage, access and mobilization

Data management

·       DataStream will be secure home to store, backup and share our project data

·       A resource to help with data standardization, quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC)

Identifying data gaps and trends

·       Identify water quality data gaps, priorities and research opportunities

·       Putting our data in context; documenting and assessing long term changes

Contributing to the bigger picture

·       Achieve regional picture of water quality and combine water data with other information to answer questions of concern

·       Leveraging data collected to inform policy and protect traditional territory and shared lands and water

Communication and knowledge transfer

 Education and engagement tool

·       Inform the public, governments and other community groups about our monitoring efforts and results

·       A source for reporting and reference material

Fostering collaboration

·       A way for us to find out what other groups are doing; share successes and challenges

·       Avoid duplication of sampling sites and target areas of concern lacking data

Capacity building

·       Utilizing Atlantic Water Network equipment bank and training

·       Learn from what other groups are doing and expertise within the network

Q2: Dream BIG – What should come next and how does it get done?

DataStream growth and expansion

·       Support for the standardization of water quality data across sectors

·       Connect data from across watersheds through Canada-wide expansion

DataStream technology developments

·       Refine search, filter and querying functions with ability to combine datasets

·       Mobile-friendly version/app for direct data entry; Interactive mapping, modelling tools and analytics

·       Data use tracking

Training and Education

·       Symposium, gatherings and other training and networking opportunities

·       Improve water science and data literacy

Cross data-base collaboration

·       Linking with other types of data

·       Interoperability with other systems

Working with Indigenous ways of knowing

While DataStream was built to be a home for western-based scientific knowledge, Indigenous laws, science, and ways of knowing are also recognized as essential to informed decision-making, water stewardship, and Indigenous sovereignty. Particular considerations around working with Indigenous ways of knowing that were highlighted through the discussion included:

- Being cognizant of legal and cultural sensitivities around Indigenous ways of knowing

- Ensuring appropriate Indigenous partners for any work involving Indigenous ways of knowing

- “You can’t put a “way of knowing” into a database”

- Direct inclusion of Indigenous/Traditional knowledge is often not desirable for Indigenous communities. An alternative is to share only the metadata.

Thank you to everyone who contributed comments and suggestions!

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