Blockchain and DataStream

September 13, 2018

With Blockchain technology, DataStream is bringing a new level of data security and transparency to our open-data platform. This blockchain verification tool is currently being piloted on Atlantic DataStream. 

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is an online, decentralized system for tracking and creating permanent records of transactions of all kinds. It is best known for its use in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. But that is only one application for this new tool. Around the world, organizations are finding innovative new ways to use blockchain technology.

How does blockchain work on DataStream? 

Blockchain provides a way for people to verify that the data they are accessing on DataStream is the same data that was originally uploaded – that it hasn’t been altered or tampered with in some unintended way.

What happens when a dataset is updated in a legitimate way?

With ongoing water monitoring programs, new data will be added with each monitoring season. DataStream handles additions to datasets through a system of version control. These versions of the dataset are written into the Ethereum blockchain and follow the same verification process. Users can view a changelog to see when the data was last updated and the verification status. 

Innovation in action 

DataStream’s blockchain verification tool is now live on Atlantic DataStream, but we’re still in the pilot phase. That means the way you experience blockchain on DataStream will evolve and improve over time. 

If you have feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us

The addition of blockchain technology to Atlantic DataStream is made possible through a collaboration between The Gordon Foundation, RBC Foundation and WWF-Canada. 

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